After hiking in Yosemite over Thanksgiving break I woke up in the morning to an itchy rash on my face and other places. The last 4 days have been absolute hell! And I don't know if I've reached the worst of it as it keeps popping up in new spots. Anyhow, the outbreak has caused me to do some research and I learned a few things to share.
My mom cut my hair yesterday and wore rubber gloves so she wouldn't get it from touching me. Don't trip Mom- Rubbing the rashes won't spread poison oak to other parts of your body (or to another person). You spread the rash only if urushiol oil- the sticky, resinlike substance that causes the rash- has been left on your hands.
Myth: Don't worry about dead plants.
I'm pretty sure I just touched a stick or something because it is winter and there weren't many leafy bushes on the trail. Urushiol oil stays active on ANY surface, including dead plants, for up to 5 YEARS!
Myth: Breaking the blisters releases urushiol oil that can spread.
I always thought this was true and if you itched it the juice from your blisters would make more and cause others to possibly get it. No. Blister fluid does not spread the rash. Only contact with the Urushiol. The rash spreads as less sensitive areas or areas less exposed to the urushiol break out later.
As far as tips to make the itching stop or make the rash go away faster I'm still looking into it and looking for suggestions. I'm going nuts.
First off, aren't we friends now-don't see us on your blog list. Second, I haven't broken out in a rash yet, so maybe I won't have to sue after all. It was good seeing you this last weekend!
i'm pretty sure my mom already told you that it can't spread via yucky oozy stuff.. oh ye of little faith. i'd take what my mom says over a hospital employee any day.. this makes me worry for public health care. go ahead and take as many hot showers as you'd like
I believed her at first. Then I believed Virginia. Then I believed it on Wiki which confirmed what Patti said. For three days it stopped spreading and started getting better, so I popped the blisters and rubbed it all over to see what would happen and it SPREAD ALL OVER. I don't care what the doctors, wiki and Patti say. I think I am over-sensitive... Epidermically at least...
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