Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vote YES on Proposition 8 to support traditional family values!

Who looks happier?

Not very fair. But still...

I'm sure you know what Prop 8 is. Just in case- it is on California ballots this upcoming election and throws a clause into the state constitution saying marriage is between man and woman only (i.e., not between homosexual partners). The reason California has to vote on this again is CA Supreme Court judges ruled Prop 22 unconstitutional by 4-3 votes, despite the proposition passing by 61.4% in 2000. Thank you liberal CA judges! Now California and Massachusetts are the only two states in fifty to allow gay marriage. Whether in style, economy or descent into moral abyss we are always front-runners! A genuine hooray for our great state!

"Who cares?" -you ask. That's what I asked too, initially. Here is why I care and think you should too.

1) God's current prophet and previous ones have declared marriage to be between man and woman.

Check out the Proclamation to the Family's first paragraph. Since solid traditional families are the underpinning of civilized society, we would do well to uphold those values, rather than undermine them by legitimizing sinful relationships.

2) Homosexuality is a sin and doesn't deserve any allowance.

I have gay friends and I love them. I have friends that are adulterers and fornicators and I love them. I am a sinner sometimes and I love me. But I don't want the law to be changed so I can feel better about my occasional bad behavior. Everyone has their weaknesses. Perhaps yours is gambling, drug addiction, same gender attraction, opposite gender attraction, etc. But it is WRONG to give into those temptations. An illegitimate homosexual relationship in no way deserves the worthy title of marriage.

3) Redefining marriage will change how schools teach children about families and sex.

Unacceptable. Public schools are past the line as it is.

4) If Prop 8 fails and gay marriage continues, organizations that uphold traditional marriage and condone state approved homosexual unions could lose tax exempt status and other forms of persecution.

Thus, perceived 'intolerance' is intolerated. (Which makes new school tolerance an anti-virtue as the requestor of tolerance demands, "Accept what I do and don't judge me!" [see entry below on judgement]) With this attitude growing, traditional institutions could be persecuted for not keeping silent on disaprooving stances on this issue and others.

I could probably drum up more, but those are the most persuasive for me. Leave it at 1) and I would be 100% sold on YES. It is unfathomable that Christians could vote NO. Take God and sin and commandments out of the debate and it is hard to argue for YES. However, God exists whether you believe or not, so it is hard for me to debate this atheistically.

Let me know what you think.


Crystal said...

Awe that was the cutest picture. I love cute, in-love grandma and grandpa's. Your #2 was awesome.... Im a sinner sometimes and I love me

Unknown said...

One of my friends is a police officer in Baltimore City. She got shot in the line of duty...almost bled to death, lost the use of her hand. She has benefits now, if she were married she could pass them on to her marriage partner, but she can't. She's a lesbian. The woman she's been with for 5 years, who stood by her through the physical therapy and everything else, won't get a dime if she dies. Simply because she can't get married.

Yes, judges ruled proposition 22 may remember another historic decision by the California Supreme Court in 1948...It struck down the laws that said marrying someone of another race was illegal...19 years before the United States Supreme Court did.

Many of the same arguments were used in that debate. It was against the Bible, it hurt children, and it was against the popular vote.

The function of the Supreme Court, and the Equal Protection Clause of our Constitution, is to protect people from discrimination. It protects each and every person, despite their race, religion, sex, and now, sexual orientation.

In 1948, it protected the rights of racial minorities, saying it was wrong to say that they were lesser simply because of the color of their skin.

Then, it was disapproved by the voters. 97% of the population of California disapproved of the decision and granting equal marriage to everyone, no matter what their race. Today, it's about 50/50.

It's also a misnomer to bring religion into this argument. There are two kinds of marriages that exist in this nation- a civil marriage in front of your county clerk and a religious one in front of whatever religious entity you choose...

All I'm asking for is a ceremony in front of a county clerk. I'm asking for the right to be at my partner's bedside if they're in a hospital. I'm asking for the right to tell my family with joy in my eyes, that I'm MARRYING the person I love, I'm not DomesticPartnershipping them. Doesn't have quite the same ring, does it? No. And my parents eyes don't light up the same way when I say DomesticPartnershipping either. Can't imagine why. LOL

Finally, if you've made it this far, to address some of your religious arguments. Last time I checked, an adulterer can get married. And that's one of the big 10. People who gamble can get married. Brittany Spears can get married for a day. But a police officer in Baltimore City can't offer that protection to the person who has stood by her these past 5 years...

Just something to think about...oh...and just as an aside- it doesn't say one word about lesbians in the Bible...all the prohibitions everyone's always ranting about are about sodomy actually, something that many married straight couples engage in.

Fiction: Teaching children about same-sex marriage will happen here unless we pass Prop 8.

Fact: Not one word in Prop 8 mentions education, and no child can be forced, against the will of their parents, to be taught anything about health and family issues at school. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Timothy Frawley has already ruled that this claim by Prop 8 proponents is “false and misleading.”

Fiction: Churches could lose their tax-exemption status.

See there's this thing called the 1st amendment...Freedom of Religion

Fact: Nothing in Prop 8 would force churches to do anything. In fact, the court decision regarding marriage specifically says “no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs.”

Unknown said...


your comment about the police officer in baltimore city is irrelevant- this is an issue regarding california where gay domestic partnerships are already entitled to all rights and priveledges as married couples, regardless of whether Prop 8 passes. So stop trying to pull a straw-man on us... let's be honest here. You'll have the right to be at your domestic partner's death bed.
And as far as the effects of redefining marriage go, you're eluding yourself in saying that it won't effect what is taught in schools. FACT: Marriage is taught in schools. FACT: If you redefine marriage, you'll change the way it's taught.
So why don't you get informed before you post your erroneous comments.

cynthia said...

You go!! You put it all beautifully! It is really so simple! I love my gay friends but...right is right and wrong is wrong.

Suzy said...

I found your blog through a search on prop 8. I just want to tell you I love your entire blog and especially this particular post. I hope you don't mind that I actually copied and pasted this post into a recent post I did. I linked your blog too.

I couldn't agree with you more and I admire you for your boldness. You helped me to find my own words on this matter!

You sound really cool!! And my sister left you the above comment! I'm fasting on Monday for prop 8 to pass.

Bethany said...

I'm linking to your blog from mine -- I hope you don't mind. I think you put things so well that it saved me time by cutting and pasting your words.

Thank you!


p.s. Let me know if you rather me not link to your site or quote you and I'll remove it immediately.

eden said...

thank you for putting so clearly into words what so many people think. thank you! i found this through my sister's blog (bethany) and I'll be linking this to mine as well.

like beth, just let me know if you'd rather not have it linked.