Monday, July 5, 2010

Fun in Gator Country

Beaumont is Gator Country. Two weeks ago at a law enforcement display for kids in Vidor, I met the hosts from Gator 911. Our Coast Guard display was next to the Fish & Game Warden. Gary Saurage and Jana Parr showed up to register a 3 foot alligator with the Warden. Got to shake Gary's hand and Jana let me hold the alligator while the kids swarmed around to see.

A few days later, while driving back from the Sabine Pilot Station around 10:00 PM, I saw something odd in the road with my dim headlights. It was in the middle of the road, so I slowed and veered right. I didn't know it, but it was a huge alligator facing me head on! As I veered right, it turned its 10 foot long body perpendicular and spanned across my entire lane. I SLAMMED over it going about 50 MPH! I turned around to check out the damage and watched as it limped into the bayou next to the road. No blood on the road- sturdy guy.

Last gator tale; my roomate and I went crabbing at a spot in Lousiana last Friday. We tied raw chicken drumsticks to 100 lb. catfish line and pulled in the greedy crabs that would latch on. It was a great spot for us to catch dinner, and even better spot for the mosquitoes who drained about a pint of my blood (same night as Twilight's debut, so it was fitting). Ceding to the mosquito onslaught, we went around one last time to pull in the lines. The last line seemed snagged up so I shined my light and and a 6 foot alligator was staring at me with the line coming out of his clamped jaws! We played tug of war for five minutes before my roomate ran over with the camera. Check it out:

(I'm yanking on this 100 lb. line the entire time. My hands were sore the next day.)

1 comment:

Aubrey and Brett Taylor said...

I was going to ask if the video was really of you....but then i heard your laugh. Holy COW! that's crazy. We stumbled on your blog a few weeks ago....Owen and I are just playing some catch up on uncle Ryan.