What is the point of blogs anyways? I thought it was to make an entry that is somewhat thought provoking and people read it and post comments expressing their opinion on the post. So let me know what you think a blog is for.
As far as I've seen, my friends who have gotten married seem to graduate from myspace and facebook into the world of blogging. They post their wedding shots and pictures of their babies. Its like an online photo album. Or families will put up their trips and showcase whatever it is they are doing. I look at blogs like that and its all kind of the same. Like they borrowed the same photos doing the same activities and pasted their heads in. I hope this blog is more than a photo album.
Does anyone really do anything original in life, I wonder? We just take turns doing the same things. Go on vacations visiting the same sights. What is unique about your trip to France or Thailand or Hawaii? The best part of life isn't the things we have or do. Even ideas are hardly unique if you believe that all truth comes from God. We just recycle the same stuff in different words. "Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun." (Bible, Eccl. 2:11) We are such a neophiliatic society, always looking for the next new thing. Like the Ecclesiastic I believe there is nothing new under the sun. So again I ask- what is the point of a blog? Is anything truly unique?
I think uniqueness exists. People are unique inherently. Whether you try or not you will be wholly singular. There is an inherent combination of qualities and attributes that only you have. On top of that your combined experiences will develop you and be unique to you. So the most interesting, unique thing out there is a person. People never get old. I will never fully understand others, especially women! Always new things with friends and family. Our relationships in families, groups, societies, nations, etc. will always be new and interesting. In serving others and getting involved with them I find the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment in this life. So I hope in some way this blog can help others and express my uniqueness and help me understand yours. Or at least satisfy your craving for something new every once in a while.
I'm even bored with surfing these days.